
Fellow Lions,
This year your choice of three training sessions for Presidents/Vice Presidents,
Secretaries, Treasurers, and Service Chairs will be offered with a morning training
session and two evening sessions. We encourage all incoming leaders to attend
whether you are a new or veteran officer. Lions who are considering leadership
roles in the future are also invited to attend as well as Lions interested in learning.
Training for the new Lion Portal, which has replaced My Lion and My LCI will be
provided during the training sessions.
Although Zone Chair Training is planned later, zone chairs are encouraged to
attend one of these three sessions as well to familiarize themselves with the
new LCI portal.
Please choose a session below:
Tuesday, July 9th @ 6pm Chesapeake City United Methodist Church
450 3rd St. Chesapeake City, MD 21915
(Dinner will be provided)
Thursday, July 11th @ 6pm Bethesda United Methodist Church
406 N Division Street Salisbury, MD 21801
(Dinner will be provided)
Saturday, July 13th @ 9am Union United Methodist Church
301 North Main St. Federalsburg, MD 21632
(Breakfast will be provided)
If you have any questions or to RSVP, please contact CS Donna Shelton:
Click below to download this information: