[Editor's Note] The following pictures and excerpt are from the District 22B Social that was held at the Easton Elk's Lodge on Saturday, February 24th 2024 in honor of 2023-2024 District Governor Kathy Crockett.
From DG Kathy "This year one of my custom goals has been to increase recognition of Lions at the district level. We have presented Lions Pride Challenge Coins, certificates, recognition at cabinet meetings and newsletters, notes, and small awards. Tonight I will be presenting the first of a series of Shining Star awards. The rest will be presented at the last cabinet meeting and at the convention"
The first award of the evening went to The Easton Elks Lodge. This club has been instrumental in seeing that our district has a first rate eyeglass shed for storage. The district was gifted a shed by the Millington Lions The Easton Lions jumped in action, coordinated its new location here on the grounds of the Easton Elks, made repairs, painted it and provided a Lion sign. They help to coordinate our eyeglass packing days and maintain the shed.
The second award of the evening goes to The Men for Change Branch Club for their afterschool mentoring program for children.
The next award goes to a Lion who has demonstrated his compassion to children with life threatening illnesses. Each year Lion Dave Davis encourages our clubs to support the Red Shoe Shuffle to benefit Ronald McDonald House and coordinates clubs giving. Additionally Lion Dave and members of his club, the Ridgely Lions Club hold their annual Strawberry Chase in May at their Strawberry Festival to raise funds. Last year our district donated over 3000 and was a Red Boot Sponsor at the Red Shoe Shuffle.
This award is signed by the President of Lions Club International for significant service to clubs, districts and Lionism as a whole. This is the fourth highest honor a Lion can receive.
The first Presidential Certificate to be awarded is to Lion Jesse Drewer. At the age of 27, Jesse has demonstrated his commitment to Lionism, Jesse has served as President of his club three times as well as other offices. At the district level he has been Leo Chair and currently serves as Information and Technology Chair. Jesse created the district’s new website and it is impressive. He currently manages the page as well as his club’s Facebook page.
The 2nd Presidential certificates is awarded to Lion Ford Hamilton. A Lion since 1999, Lion Ford has served as President many times, and at the district level, zone chair, environmental chair, membership chair, diabetes chair and disabilities chair. Lion Ford truly believes in the mission of Lionism
The 3rd presidential certificate winner will be presented at a later date...... check back later for the editor's addition.