This year the Bayside Conference will be holding its 31st annual Senior All-Star Soccer games on Tuesday November 26, 2024.
The location will be at the Queen Anne's High School Stadium, located in Centreville. These games match the All-Star seniors from the North and South Bayside Conference. The two games featuring the Boys at 5:30 pm and the Girls at 7:30 pm.
The sponsorship of this event is one of our major Lions Youth Outreach Programs for District 22B. Please consider this as a special request if you did not include it in your annual budget. The club contributions wil help pay for the cost of the uniforms worn during the games. Each player will be allowed to keep the uniform they played in as a gift from the Lions.
This year we are asking that your club make the donations to District 22B instead of the Charitable Foundation as in the past years. Please make your club check payable to District 22B Lions and in the memo put All-Star Soccer and mail it
to District Cabinet Treasurer, Vic Lowe, at 3700 Stockyard Road Eden, MD 21822.
Zone Chairs; please put on your agenda for your Zone Meeting Club President and Secretaries: please make sure your club gets this information.
Lion Frankie Bennett
Youth Services (Sports)