22B District Leadership
District Governor and Cabinet
Kathy Crockett
District Governor
1st Vice District Governor
Beth Whitelock
2nd Vice District Governor
Donna Shelton
Cabinet Secretary & Communication Chair
Bob Kidner
Cabinet Treasurer
John Lawrence
2023-2025 International Director
Region and Zone Chairs
Click here for more information on Regions and Zones
Carrol S. Ford Hamilton
Region 1, Zone 1 Chair
Eugene Williams
Region 3, Zone 1 Chair
Henry Hart
Region 1, Zone 2 Chair
Carol Schoonover
Region 3, Zone 2 Co-Chair
Tom Moreland
Region 2, Zone 1 Chair
Megan Donophan
Region 3, Zone 2 Co-Chair
Brenan Cole
Region 2, Zone 1 Chair
Victor G. Lowe
Region 3, Zone 3 Chair
Jaime Cugler-Emely
Region 4, Zone 1 Chair
Region 4, Zone 2 Chair
Committee Chairs
Rev. Dale Krotee
Fern Griffith
Diabetes Awareness Co-Chair
CS Donna Shelton
22 Social Committee
Beth Whitelock
Global Action Team
Joe Wood
Wayne Cole
LCI Convention Chair
Donna DiGiacomo
LEO Club Chair
ID John Lawrence
22B Charitable Foundation
SVDG Beth Whitelock
22B Charitable Foundation
IPDG Carol Schoonover
Lions Youth Foundation Trustee
ID John Lawrence
Lions Youth Foundation Trustee
Melanie Donophan
LVRF Trustee
PDG Dave Studley
MD Convention Coordinator
PDG Dave Studley
Nominations & Elections Chair
PDG Wayne Benjamin
Research & Long-Range Planning Co-Chair
Steve Disharoon
USA/Canada Leadership Forum
CS Donna Shelton
Carrol S. Ford Hamilton
Region 4, Zone 2 Chair
Richard Beckwith
Environmental Chair
Wayne Cole
Global Action Team Membership
Carol Schoonover
Honorary Committee Chair
Steve Disharoon
Lions Club International Chairman
Carol Schoonover
22B Charitable Foundation Chair
CS Donna Shelton
22B Charitable Foundation
Jerry Hovatter
22B Charitable Foundation
Ken Rodrick
Lions Youth Foundation Trustee
Lou Drewer
LVRF Lions Vision Days Chair
PDG Wayne Benjamin
Marketing Committee
PDG Joe Wood
MD-22 Finance Committee Member
Michele McKay
Peace Poster Chair
SVDG Beth Whitelock
Roster Book Co-Editor
Jesse Drewer
Website Editor
Doug Jones
Constitution and By-Laws
Beth Whitelock
22b Social Committee
DG Kathy Crockett
Global Action Team Coordinator
Wayne Benjamin
Global Action Team
Carolyn Williams
Hunger Initiative Chair
Bijoy Mahanti
Lions Club International Chairman
DG Kathy Crockett
22B Charitable Foundation Vice-Chairman
PDG Charlene Travers
22B Charitable Foundation
Joe Irr
Lions Saving Kids Sight Trustee
Crystal Sipes
Lions Youth Foundation Trustee
PDG Bijoy Mahanti
LVRF Trustee
Tom Moreland
Marketing Committee
Melanie Donophan
District Newsletter Co-Editor
Terry Cole
Pediatric Cancer Chair
DG Kathy Crockett
Roster Book Co-Editor
Crystal Sipes
Youth Advisor
Jaime Cugler-Emely
Diabetes Awareness Co-Chair
Karen Marshall
22B Social Committee
Carol Schoonover
Global Action Team
Bob Kidner
Hearing & Speech Coordinator
Jesse Drewer
Information Technology Chair
Shelly Holland
Leader Dog Coordinator
Eugene Williams
22B Charitable Foundation
PCC Dave Studley
22B Charitable Foundation
PCC Dave Studley
Lions Saving Kids Sight Trustee
James Apple
Lions Youth Foundation Trustee
Shelly Holland
LVRF Trustee
Steve Disharoon
Marketing Committee
Ramona Bradley
District Newsletter Co-Editor
Tom Moreland
Research & Long-Range Planning Co-Chair
Sight & Eyeglass Coordinator
Frankie Bennett
Youth Services - Sports